Welcome to my Blog

Mar 12 2017 0 Comments

Hey There

Thanks for checking out my first blog post. My name is Dawn and my husband Ken and I founded Hourglass Lingerie back in 2011. Being busy parents of three great kids and already with established careers, what made us found Hourglass Lingerie?

Well, I was having trouble finding bras that fit me correctly and when I did find a place that had professional fitters, they would only have one or two styles in my size. I was always jealous of other women who were able to shop at regular stores and have tons of great choices. The more we researched, the more we realized there was a general need in the market for lingerie that is fun, functional and dare I say sexy and colorful! Beyond all this, there was a need for a company that knows how to fit women correctly and is able to make them feel comfortable in their lingerie, whether they buy it online or in store.

So we decided to fill that void. At Hourglass, we have tons of bras in stock no matter what your shape or style is. We don't want to limit you to one or two choices of your size. Speaking of size, we want to help you get into the correct size. I'm sure you've heard the statistic that over 80% of the women in the US are in the wrong size bra and I personally feel that stat is on the low side. Nothing frustrates me more than having a customer come in and learning they were sized incorrectly because someone else didn't have the proper training for correct bra fitting or they tried to pigeon hole someone into a size because they didn't have the correct size in their store.

I want to help educate women and help them feel comfortable. Nothing makes me happier than a customer finally getting in the correct size and seeing the smile on their face. Whether it be helping them get rid of the dreaded shoulder indentations or helping them fix back pain from a wrong sized bra. Not to mention how confident and positive they feel about their body when they have on a bra made perfectly for their body.

As I expand on and continue making posts on the blog I want to give fitting tips, show everyone some of the great styles out there, give bra do and dont's. There will be no body shaming here, I want to be very body image positive. I'm going to share some pictures of myself in much of the lingerie we carry and how it can be fit correctly and incorrectly. I'm not a model and want everyone to be able to feel as comfortable with their body as I am with mine.

One last thing I want everyone to feel free to ask questions, send in pics and comments, I want to hear from you.

Doing a blog is a new thing to me( I did one for just a month or so several years ago) and a little bit of a new challenge but I think this is going to be fun!

Yup, that's me at a recent photo shoot to promote a few of our new items!





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